52 week's of Marie's Life

52 weeks captured through photos


18. Holiday Spirit (Week 18)

Faithful friends who are dear to us – they gather near to us once more, …
Through the years we all will be together – if the fates allow” ~ words from “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”


A club I am in hosted an Ugly Sweater Party.  What better way to get in the holiday spirit!  To preserve anonymity, I won’t post any pictures of my friends – but the sweaters ran the gamut of Bah Humbug to festive lights!




27. Lost/Forgotten Items (Week 21)

I could not give you a list of things I got as gifts when I was a child, but certain memories do stand out.  Most often, they are togetherness moments, memories of fun shared, and things done together. “ ~ Christmas quotes ~

Bringing the ornaments out and packing them away again evokes so many memories.  It’s fun to remember where this one or that one came from and to think “oh, I had forgotten this one.”  This is a time to bring up the memories.  Our tree is a bit of a map of our life.  The oldest ornament on our tree is a bird that my husband’s Mom Laura gave to him when he was a baby.


I think of my sister Linda and her husband Jim when I add the ornaments that they have given us over the years to our tree.


I have a friend Cathy who reminds me how special friendships are by including an ornament in our gift exchange every year.


And Greg and I try to pick up something on our vacations, so we can enjoy, again,  places we’ve been and moments we’ve shared.


But, to me, the most cherished of all are the ornaments my husband and I have picked out together to honor our years together.


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29. Mirror Image (Week 20)

” Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house,

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.”

~ Clement Clarke Moore ~


As I sit on the couch and face the television, I love to see the reflection of the Christmas tree in the mirror off to the side of my vision.